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Americans Building Community is a not-for-profit community development corporation based in Vancouver, WA since 2007 dedicated to empowering people in neighborhoods to address their needs – together. So often people feel powerless to help themselves, but with someone who will come along side, encourage them, connect them to resources and helping hands – powerful things happen. Community has been something lost over the past five decades as we have become a society of do-it-yourselfers.

We exist at the neighborhood level where we facilitate community to be re-created by helping people connect and help one other.

We help identify two or three pressing issues together with residents of neighborhoods. We mobilize volunteers who are passionate about helping to address those needs. Then we go to work to create infrastructure for a sustainable system that will help to provide for the needs. In the process, we identify a credible agent who the ongoing responsibility can be handed off to – then we repeat the process in another neighborhood.

Some examples of our work can be found on the Neighborhoods & Projects page.